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Dual Threat: Travis Kelce Stars In Netflix NFL Christmas Debut, ‘Happy Gilmore 2’ Trailer



Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce was a Netflix star Wednesday, appearing in the streaming service’s splashy NFL debut and its teaser for its “Happy Gilmore 2” golf comedy movie starring Adam Sandler.

Key Facts

Kelce had two catches for 10 yards in the first half of the Chiefs’ contest against the Pittsburgh Steelers, helping Kansas City to a 16-10 lead by the third quarter.

The contest is pivotal not just for its impact on the AFC playoff picture – the Chiefs can clinch the conference’s top seed and a postseason bye with a win – but also in the broader sports media landscape, as it’s the first major team sporting event aired by Netflix, as well as the NFL’s apparent flag planting on the Christmas holiday, a day historically ruled by the NBA.

The seven-time All-Pro Kelce, arguably just as famous for his off-the-gridiron exploits, also made waves for his appearance in the teaser trailer shared on social media by Sandler late Wednesday morning.

Kelce, donning a tie and vest playing what appears to be a country club employee, told Sandler’s titular character “it’s great to see you back, Mr. Gilmore.”

“Happy Gilmore 2” will be Kelce’s feature film debut, though the 35-year-old played a role in the FX series “Grotesquerie" this fall.

Is Taylor Swift At The Chiefs Game?

Taylor Swift, the billionaire musician who has been a fixture at Chiefs games over the last two seasons since she and Kelce began dating, has not been featured yet on the Netflix broadcast. The streaming service still has heavily leaned on other music icons, with performances from Mariah Carey and Beyoncé interspersed in its two-game slate.

Surprising Fact

Fellow pop star Bad Bunny appeared in the “Happy Gilmore 2” teaser as a caddy for Sandler’s character.

Forbes Valuation

Kelce ranked seventh on Forbes’ 2024 list of the highest-paid NFL players, with annual earnings of $52 million, mostly from $35 million he earns for endorsement deals off the field.

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