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Here Are The Most Expensive ZIP Codes In Wisconsin, Zillow Data Shows


In one of our recent studies, we analyzed all ZIP codes in the state of Michigan and determined which ones are the most expensive in terms of home values. What Michigan revealed as how strong the allure of lake country homes is, not surprisingly considering Michigan and, the state we’re covering here — Wisconsin — are both Great Lakes states.

Read on to find out the most expensive ZIP codes in Wisconsin in 2024, relying on data from Zillow’s home value index and the Census Bureau.

The Most Expensive ZIP Codes in Wisconsin

Using data from Zillow’s home value index, we analyzed thousands of ZIP codes throughout the United States. One of the reasons why we love to analyze ZIP codes is that they can offer an extremely localized view of wealth on the ground. You might have two ZIP codes in roughly the same area, but the difference between the two in terms of money could be like a tale of two cities.

As part of our analysis, we took into consideration the latest monthly home values Zillow has — November 2024 — as well as the average of 12 months of median home values from December 2023 to November 2024, in order to gain a fuller picture.

Below are the 25 most expensive ZIP codes in Wisconsin.

A very noticeable pattern among the most expensive ZIP codes in Wisconsin is the prominence of lake towns. Indeed, this is quite common among the Great Lakes states, but also common throughout the country, though not at the level of Wisconsin.

The Top 5 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in Wisconsin

The No. 1 most expensive ZIP code in Wisconsin is 53069, located on Okauchee Lake, covering Okauchee, Okauchee Lake Heights, Hinkels Park, and Okauchee Lake Park. This ZIP code has some beautiful scenery and equally beautiful homes. Incomes are high here, but interestingly, and this is rare, the median income is greater than the average income. The median household income is $127,959 and the average household income is $124,227. The reason can be seen in the income distribution: 26% of households earn between $100,000 and $150,000 while only 5.3% earn more than $200,000. Home value appreciation in ZIP code 53069 has been remarkable. From a median of $446,299 in November 2019, the median home value rose by 56.9%, crossing the $700,000 mark in November 2024.

The No. 2 most expensive ZIP code in Wisconsin is 53058, which is not far at from the No. 1 most expensive ZIP code. ZIP code 53058 lies opposite Okauchee Lake from the No. 1 most expensive ZIP code, but stretches farther south. ZIP code 53058 is centered on Nashotah, and is situation before four different lakes. Well over a quarter households in ZIP code 53058 earn incomes of $200,000 or more. The median household income is $110,234 and the average household income is $171,055. Home value appreciation here wasn’t as great as the No.1 most expensive ZIP code. But at 44.4% over five years, it’s still substantial. The median home value stands at $678,948 as of November 2024, up from $470,267 in November 2019.

The No. 3 most expensive ZIP code in Wisconsin — 54545 — is centered on Manitowish Water, an area dotted with lakes and not from south of the Upper Peninsula Michigan border. Incomes in ZIP code 54545 aren’t crazy high, with the median household income being $80,607 and the mean household income $103,515. Home values, though, are definitely on the expensive side. Five years ago, the median home value in 54545 was $421,517, before rising by 51.9% and reaching $640,153 in November 2024.

The fourth most expensive ZIP code in Wisconsin is 53125, which is in the complete opposite direction of the third most expensive ZIP code. The fourth most expensive ZIP code is centered on Fontana-on-Geneva-Lake, which indeed it is. The ZIP code covers the western end of Geneva Lake, and it is filled to the brim with beautiful lake houses. It also includes the Abbey Springs Yacht Club. Home value appreciation here has been huge. Over the course of the last five years, home values rose by 65.6%, from a median of $386,366 in November 2019, up to $639,903 in November 2024. In fact, in just the last year, the median home value rose by 8.3%, from $590,699 to $639,903.

The fifth most expensive ZIP code in Wisconsin is 53097. This ZIP code covers a nice stretch of land, which combines rural and suburban as well as a small coastline along Lake Michigan. It is north of Milwaukee and centered on Mequon. Both the median and average household incomes are rather elevated, to say the least. Well over a third of households earn $200,000 or more per year. The median household income is $150,391, while the average household income is $225,641. ZIP code 53097 has been expensive for some time. In November 2019, the median home value was $481,571, which was higher than the other four most expensive ZIP codes. It then rose by 28.3%, to reach $617,757 by November 2024.

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