Deciding to not have children is a personal choice that everyone should be free to make. Here are a ... [+]
To have or not have children might just be the debate of this century. Of course, no matter what side of the fence you sit on, this decision remains a purely personal one.
Starting a family is one of the most significant, consequential choices anyone can ever make. For this reason, it is refreshing to know that we live in a period when people are not just having children because of societal expectations.
However, we cannot ignore that an increasingly number of people are choosing not to have children. Research in a 2024 article published by the American Psychological Association says there are several reasons for this. These factors range from economic decline to concerns for the future of politics.
For many people, deciding to live life child-free can help radically reimagine life’s purpose. While many discuss how this can impact people’s mental well-being, very few people discuss the practical consequences of this decision. Here are a few pros and cons of making the decision not to procreate and raise a child.
1. Pro: Financial Freedom
When mentioning the pros of remaining child-free, being financially free is usually at the top of the list. It is very easy to see why—the cost of providing for a child can be astronomical.
A Pew Research Center 2024 study revealed that most adults without children report that skipping parenthood makes their financial dreams feel achievable. Sixty-one per cent of adults report that not having children allows them to do what they want with their money.
Whether you believe in being child-free or not, there is no denying that financial freedom transforms possibilities. Be it the desire to pursue an advanced degree or invest in once-in-a-lifetime experience, not having the pressure of rearing another human being can make these dreams feel more achievable.
The truth is that the child-free path opens doors that might slam shut under the financial pressure of parenthood.
2. Pro: Your Time Is Your Own
What would you do with an extra 57,661 hours? Well, according to a 1997 article by Cornell University, that is the average amount of time it takes to parent two children to eighteen. Most people with children feel this is time well spent, but it is still a lot of time.
Adults without children believe their choice gives them more time for personal passions, which, for many, is a big payoff. For most, this goes deeper than free time—it is about intentional living.
With more time to concentrate on yourself, you can choose to advance in challenging career paths, travel the world, pursue demanding personal projects, maintain deep relationships with family and friends and dedicate your time to developing yourself. For many people, this is just as valuable as parenthood.
3. Con: You May Lose Connections
Understanding and respecting diverse life paths is a crucial part of life in society. Whether you’re considering children or not, the most important factor is making an intentional, informed choice that aligns with your values and aspirations.
However, the child-free choice is not without social challenges. Social circles often revolve around family-centric activities, predicting isolation for child-free individuals. Child-free individuals may find themselves navigating social settings dominated primarily by traditional family structures.
A 2009 study by Facts, Views & Visions discusses how tough it can be for childless couples to connect with their friends who have kids. Many childless people mention how they often face negative, though sometimes well-intentioned, comments during social events like birthday parties and other get-togethers.
The stigma is real and multifaceted, often manifesting as uncomfortable questions, subtle criticisms and unfounded assumptions about the child-free lifestyle. These social pressures create emotional challenges for people just trying to live their lives. These negative attitudes might lead to childless people voluntarily excluding themselves from family-focused social events to avoid negative comments.
4. Con: Society Might Label You Selfish
Societal judgment remains a significant concern for child-free individuals. Despite changing attitudes, traditional expectations about family persist. People still question their personal values, maturity and long-term life goals.
A 2021 news article from the BBC shows that companies often lean harder on their childless employees. These people might get fewer days off or even be denied pay raises because bosses assume parents need the extra cash more. Situations like this can be frustrating for child-free individuals, who might feel like they are constantly being put in a position where they need to defend their life decisions.
Respect and understanding are crucial for people who live without children. Society must recognize that fulfilment looks different for everyone. Success is not defined by traditional family structures but by living an authentic, purposeful life. Judgement of child-free individuals only serves to reinforce outdated narratives and can be detrimental to social ties.
Does the thought of having children stir optimism in you? Take this test to find out: Realistic Optimism Scale.