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New Galaxy S25 Series Leak Reveals Samsung’s Valuable Surprise Offer


Galaxy S25-series customers look likely to receive a valuable free offer previously made available only to Google Pixel owners.

According to a new Android Authority report from the teardown specialist Assemble Debug, Samsung’s soon-to-be-released Galaxy S25 handsets could come bundled with a free Google Gemini Advanced AI subscription of up to one year worth up to $239.88 (see below).

While neither Samsung nor Google has officially announced the offer, code strings within the latest Google app beta version suggest that Samsung Galaxy S25-series smartphones will also receive a Gemini Advanced subscription of between three months and a year, depending on the specific smartphone model.

Free Gemini Advanced For Up To One Year

The text strings read as follows:

  • "assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_nine_months";Your device gives you access to a {nine}-month subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost
  • "assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_one_year";Your device gives you access to a {one} year subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost
  • "assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_six_months";Your device gives you access to a {six}-month subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost
  • "assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_three_months";Your device gives you access to a {three}-month subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost

What is Gemini Advanced?

Gemini Advanced is Google’s subscriber-only AI chatbot service, which provides access to Google’s latest and most powerful models. The standard version is free to use, but Gemini Advanced requires a pricey ongoing subscription. A bundled Gemini Advanced subscription would, therefore, add significant value to any smartphone purchase.

More Than Just Gemini Advanced

Any offer of Gemini Advanced will likely include much more than access to Google’s best AI models because Gemini Advanced is currently available only as part of Google’s $19.99 per month AI Premium Google One plan, which is worth $239.88 for the year.

This subscription tier comes with 2TB of Google One storage, deep AI integration within Google’s apps such as Gmail and Docs, premium Google Workspace features and 10% back in the Google Store.

The information available so far doesn’t state that Galaxy S25 owners will receive a full Google One AI Premium subscription, but that’s the deal Pixel 9 customers received, so it would be reasonable to expect Google to provide the same for Samsung customers, especially as there’s currently no way to subscribe to Gemini Advanced other than with Google One AI Premium.

Follow @paul_monckton on Instagram.

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