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The Beauty House Is Amsterdam’s Luxe Haven For Unparalleled Pampering

A new wellbeing destination by the Pulitzer Hotel, this space is where locals and visitors come to enjoy massages, blowouts and makeup sessions.

Updated Dec 30, 2024, 02:22pm EST

Newly opened this year, The Beauty House in Amsterdam is an intimate wellbeing and pampering destination for those looking to unplug from their daily routine. Part of the Pulitzer Hotel, this micro-wellness space is located in a canal house spanning three floors with each level dedicated to a specific indulgence: massages and facials, hair styling, and manicures and pedicures. Whether you're a local or just visiting Amsterdam, The Beauty House has quickly become a must-visit self-care spot. After a busy day of work or sightseeing, you’ll love coming here to unwind, relax and beautify. If you haven’t visited yet, you’ll definitely want to in 2025.

Composed of 25 17th- and 18th-century canal houses, the Pulitzer Amsterdam embodies Dutch history and living with each building telling its own story. The Beauty House signals a new chapter fusing beauty and design in cozy yet chic canal house. “We want guests to feel like they’re stepping back into their very own charming and cozy canalside home,” says Jacu Strauss, creative director of Lore Group. “With a design that favors views of Pulitzer’s gardens and the nine-streets neighborhood on opposing ends, there’s no better spot to sip a glass of champagne and unwind after a day of exploring.”

At The Beauty House you’ll never feel rushed and the treatments are executed meticulously. During one of their pedicures, you’ll have a soothing soak followed by a scrub and a massage before your nails are painted in your selected shade. While a foot treatment definitely hits the spot, if you want to take things to the next level, you’ll want to try the De-Stress Massage here. Combining powerful deep tissue motions with soothing relaxation strokes, you’ll feel tension relief, let go of stress and feel a sense of rejuvenation after. If you have an upcoming event or just want to look great for a night out in Amsterdam, The Beauty House offers blowouts, updos and makeup application. The space is a one-stop-shop for glam and relaxation alike.

The Beauty House is also a great spot to familiarize yourself with Dutch skincare and haircare brands like Bloomeffects, 111SKIN, Champo and Keune. “We set out to find partners with whom we could create a truly personal connection, as we do with our guests,” says Strauss. “Those who share the same passion for storytelling, take the time to invest in a working relationship, and bring the quality one should expect from Pulitzer’s Beauty House.” Keune is a legendary Dutch haircare brand celebrating over 100 years in business, while skincare brand Bloomeffects is an award-winning range utilizing the natural properties of Holland’s most prized flower, the tulip.

Outside of The Beauty House, there’s plenty to experience at the Pulitzer, both at the hotel and in the surrounding neighborhoods. Start your day with the delicious breakfast spread at Jansz where you can enjoy coffee, eggs, avocado toast, fruit and more. The hotel is located near many major landmarks and museums including the Anne Frank House, Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum making it easy to delve into the history of the city. The Pulitzer also has its own saloon boat, the Tourist, where you can cruise along the canals and see Amsterdam from the water. Until January 19, 2025 you can enjoy the Amsterdam Light Festival where you can view a variety of mind-bending light installations in the waterways — a truly unique experience.

The Beauty House is a great spot for locals and visitors to recharge and refresh their look. As we had into 2025, this new space in Amsterdam is a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to indulge in some self-care and wellness.

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