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Tesla Offers Hefty Year-End Discounts On Model Y, Model S

Updated Dec 30, 2024, 06:10pm EST

Tesla is giving sizable discounts — up to $4,870 — on select Model Y vehicles in inventory in the U.S. The Model S and X are seeing discounts, too. This is part of a year-end push to move vehicles out of inventory.

The discounts appear on the Model Y inventory page. Below are a few examples but many new and low-mileage demo Model Y inventory vehicles come with a range of discounts. First spotted by Sawyer Merritt.

Model Y Long Range AWD

For instance, a Long Range All-Wheel Drive Model Y demo vehicle (with 1,160 miles) is $41,120 after the $7,500 federal tax credit and a $4,870 “price adjustment” (aka discount). That Long-Range AWD Model Y features extras like seven seats, 20-inch Induction wheels, Solid Black Paint, and a Black and White Premium Interior. For comparison, an identically spec’d non-inventory Long Range AWD Model Y is $45,990. The price difference matches the $4,870 discount.

Model Y Performance AWD

A Performance All-Wheel Drive Model Y Demo Vehicle (with 37 miles) is $41,320 with the $7,500 federal tax credit and a $3,670 price adjustment. That features Pearl White Paint, 21’’ Uberturbine Wheels, All Black Premium Interior, and the Performance Upgrade. For comparison, an identically spec’d non-inventory Performance AWD is $44,490. Another example: a Performance AWD (with 5 miles) is $42,090 with the $7,500 tax credit and a $4,900 price adjustment. New (non-demo) well-equipped Model Y Performance inventory is also being discounted.

Model S, Model X inventory

Model S inventory is getting even heftier dollar discounts. A Model S AWD demo vehicle (with 959 miles) is $76,200 with a $5,290 price adjustment. Another example: a new Model S Plaid is $97,710 with a $5,280 price adjustment. The Plaid is also eligible for a $7,500 EV Lease Incentive and Business Tax Credit. Model X inventory is also seeing discounts up to $9,230.

3 months of free FSD, free lifetime Supercharging on Foundation Series Cybertruck

Tesla is offering a virtual smorgasbord of year-end incentives including 3 free months of Full Self Driving (Supervised) and Supercharging (take delivery by Dec 31). Also, free lifetime Supercharging when you buy or lease a new Tesla Model S and Free lifetime Supercharging when you buy a new Foundation Series Cybertruck.

When buying a Tesla, always check inventory price first

Tesla inventory is often the best price you can get. Much of the inventory is actually new with zero miles or just a few miles. And because Tesla is always pushing to clear inventory (especially at the end of a quarter when trying to hit delivery targets), deals pop up out of nowhere often.

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