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Steelers Starting Defense Fully Healthy For Matchup With Bengals


The reeling Pittsburgh Steelers face a pivotal game to end the regular season.

The Steelers (10-6) host the Cincinnati Bengals (8-8) on Saturday night and may be able to win the AFC North title, though it is a longshot. In addition to beating the Bengals, the Steelers would also need the heavily favored Baltimore Ravens (11-5) to lose to the visiting Cleveland Browns (3-13) on Saturday afternoon.

The Steelers are stumbling to the finish line on a three-game losing streak. However, they should be as close to full strength as they have been in a while.

“From a health standpoint, it looks like we're moving in the right direction, which is a good thing,” coach Mike Tomlin said Monday during his weekly news conference.

Cornerback Joey Porter Jr. (knee) and wide receiver Ben Skowronek (hip) are expected to play Saturday. Both missed the Steelers’ 29-19 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs last Wednesday in Pittsburgh.

Porter has one interception, six passes defensed and 64 tackles this season. However, is not faring well in Pro Football Focus’ grading system as he ranks 103rd out of the 117 qualifying NFL quarterbacks.

Yet his return would mean the Steelers have all 11 defensive starters healthy.

Skowronek has just five receptions for 69 yards but is a key member of the Steelers’ special teams.

“Getting a healthy outfit, particularly as you get toward the end of the season and lean in on a single-elimination tournament, is big business for us,” Tomlin said. “We’re excited about the issues of dividing the labor up and having a full stable at our disposal in an effort to formulate plans and make plays. “It’s going to be needed, quite honestly, because Cincinnati is red hot.”

The Bengals have won four games in a row to reach .500 for the first time all season and keep their playoff hopes alive. To reach the postseason, though, Cincinnati needs three things to happen: The Bengals must beat the Steelers, the Miami Dolphins (8-8) must lose to the New York Jets (4-12) on the road and the Denver Broncos (9-7) must lose at home to the Kansas City Chiefs (15-1).

Meanwhile, the Steelers also expect backup quarterback Justin Fields (abdomen) to be available after sitting out the last two games. Tomlin said running back Jaylen Warren and cornerback Cory Trice Jr. are dealing with undisclosed injuries but is optimistic both will be ready to play on Saturday night.

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