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10 Home Improvement Projects To Complete Over The Christmas Holidays

Updated Dec 25, 2024, 05:34pm EST

‘Tis the season to be jolly. However, the Christmas holiday season is also a jolly good time to complete a variety of home improvement projects. Many homeowners are already off work the last two weeks of the year, and they also know if they’ll receive an end-of-the-year bonus to help fund home improvement activities. Of course, the priority during the holidays is to keep your home safe from the dual threats of fire and water.

Once you’ve done that, Thumbtack identifies the 10 home improvement projects homeowners are tackling and/or gifting themselves during the Christmas holidays. Thumbtack identifies 10 projects homeowners are tackling and/or gifting themselves during the Christmas holidays.

Furniture Repairs

Thumbtack has seen a 71% year-over-year (YoY) increase in furniture repairs. “Rather than replacing a cherished recliner or a wooden kitchen table tied to years of memories, homeowners are breathing new life into their furniture,” says Kendra Sinclair, Thumbtack’s design expert.

“Getting fabric seating reupholstered can quickly transform utility and appearance while refinishing wooden furniture not only revives the look and feel of the wood grain, but seals and protects it for added resistance to stains and bacteria,” she says.

Bathroom Remodels

Although Thumbtack has seen a 61% YoY increase in bathroom remodels, Sinclair admits that it can be stressful to close off an entire bathroom over the holidays. “Homeowners are making light updates that require minimal drywall dust: this includes swapping out hardware like cabinet pulls and towel holders, updating vanity lighting fixtures, and freshening up baseboards and trim around floors, doors, and mirrors,” she explains.

Custom Cabinet Building/Cabinet Painting

Sinclair notes that there’s been a 52% YoY increase in custom cabinet building and painting. However, she says cabinet painting is a job often best suited for the pros.” For long-term durability, it’s best to sand, patch, prime, paint, and seal kitchen cabinets, especially since they see a lot of action throughout the year.” And if you’re updating your kitchen cabinets with paint, she recommends upgrading the hardware for even greater impact.

Room Remodels

A full-blown room remodel might seem a bit much to do over the holidays, but according to Thumbtack, there’s been a 48% YoY increase. “The secret weapon behind any room remodel is a fresh coat of paint, applied to walls, trim, and doors,” Sinclair explains. And she says homeowners are using paint to give bedrooms, home offices, living rooms, and entryways a quick pick-me-up. Homeowners are also refinishing or replacing floors. “Some flooring types, like engineered wood, carpet, and vinyl, have a lifespan of up to 25 years, so starting the year with updated flooring can be a great way to reset the longevity of your floors,” Sinclair says.

Closet System Installations

Up 47% YoY, closet system installations are a popular project this time of year. “Whether you’ve dreamed of having a dedicated space in your closet for gift-wrapping materials, or you want to bring in custom cabinetry, professional closet remodelers can help you create a dedicated space for clothing, shoes, and accessories,” Sinclair says. “Some owners are opting to build a brand-new closet for optimal space, which can involve building new walls, installing doors, painting, and nailing in custom molding,” she explains.

Basement Finishing And Remodeling

There’s a 44% YoY increase in homeowners finishing and remodeling basements over the holidays. “Many homeowners may have fantasized about bringing a big bowl of popcorn and a plush blanket down to a freshly remodeled basement lounge space, perfect for cozying up with friends and family over the holidays,” Sinclair says. However, she notes this isn’t just a seasonal boost. A functional basement provides extra space year-round, and can also boost your home’s value and provide a great return on investment when you sell the home.

Drywall Installations

Thumbtack reports that drywall installations have increased 43% YoY. “Over time, walls and ceilings can develop holes, cracks, dents, or water damage, due to everyday wear and tear, accidents, or leaks,” Sinclair says. Updating your drywall can provide a seamless look – and Sinclair notes that updated drywall adds insulation from noise and temperature fluctuations as well.

Countertop Installations

Up 47% YoY, countertop installations can have a major impact in a kitchen or bathroom. Sinclair says some countertop materials, like stone, benefit from some professional buffing and polishing. “Other counters might need a full redesign to make the most out of kitchen and dining room functionality, provide more accessibility to all family members, and better complement a home’s design and décor,” she says.

Deck Or Porch Additions

Showing a 41% increase YoY, a deck of porch addition is another great holiday project – assuming the ground outside of your home isn’t frozen. Sinclair says that knowing you can enjoy warmer summer nights on an elevated deck can help beat any winter blues. “Homeowners are extending their outdoor dining opportunities by building out ground-level decks, as well as expanding their rest and relaxation areas by adding second-story decks off a primary bedroom,” she explains.

Landscaping Design

Thumbtack reports a 40% YoY increase in landscaping design during the holidays. Sinclair admits that winter landscaping redesign can be a tricky home improvement project if you live in a climate where the ground has frozen, but also says some tasks can be completed year-round. “Winter can be a great time to clear out trees, bushes, and plants that no longer work in your backyard.”

Other suggestions include installing gravel, mulch, and hardscaping like statement rocks, and Sinclair says these changes can refresh your yard even as temperatures dip. “For those in milder climates, homeowners can bring in pros to trim and groom trees and hedges, install irrigation systems in advance of hotter months, and add water features.”

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